Datapre8 is a data analytics consultants agency. We empower businesses by helping them leverage their data and make informed business decisions. We provide expert guidance and implement analytical solutions to make the best use of data, optimize operations and maximize profits.



Umair Mehmood

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Umair is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Datapre8 Ltd. 

As the CEO, Umair manages and provides data analytics consultation to our clients. Having worked in various sectors such as retail, marketing, supply chain, and healthcare, he possesses extensive knowledge on diverse datasets and the important KPIs necessary to derive actionable insights.

Umair is an innovative data analytics professional with extensive experience in data analysis and predictive modelling. He holds a high distinction in Master of Data Science from the University of South Australia and has been the recipient of the prestigious vice chancellor excellence scholarship award.

Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.

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Roger Shelton

Quality Control Coordinator