A robot coding on a computer

Devin: The First AI Software Engineer

A new company called Cognition Labs, has introduced Devin, the First AI Software Engineer. Given a software development task, Devin has the ability to make a structured list of requirements, carry out each task, deploy the project and even generate the project documentation upon completion.

How does Devin Work?

Devin has its own command line, code editor and even its own browser. It can surf on the browser and learn the documentation to execute tasks. The astonishing thing about Devin is that it can automatically debug and correct the code! Anyone who has ever written code knows the frustration of encountering bugs and the time-consuming process of identifying and fixing them but with Devin this burden is alleviated.

What is the response from the tech community?

The introduction of the Devin has elicited a mixed response from the tech community. One one hand, there is an excitement regarding the advancement of Artificial intelligence and the potential of creating new products with minimal resources and in record time.

However, on the other hand, it has raised concerns on how quickly AI will be able to replace human jobs.  
See the demo of Devin the first software engineer below: